Kāpuia, the Ministerial Advisory Group on the Government's response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch mosques, was disestablished on the 9th June 2024, as per its Terms of Reference. Kāpuia provided independent advice to the Government on its response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry and its wider ambition to make New Zealand a safe, more inclusive country for all.

Members of Kāpuia, secretariat staff and elders of Ngā Hau e Whā National Marae during their two-day marae hui in Christchurch in July 2022.
Kāpuia provided independent advice to the Government on its response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch mosques, and to make New Zealand a safer, more inclusive country for everyone.
The name Kāpuia reflected the importance of the group’s work for the future of Aotearoa New Zealand. Kāpuia comes from the whakataukī or proverb “Ki te Kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia e kore e whati”. This whakataukī means if there is only one reed, it breaks easily, but gather many together they will not break. For our mahi, our work, these reeds reflect the different cultures in New Zealand, and when we all come together, we are strong and cannot be broken. By standing together in New Zealand, we will enhance social cohesion and create a safer country for everyone - by being together we cannot help but have each other’s backs.
The Group was established in response to recommendation 44 of the Royal Commission of Inquiry report: to establish an Implementation Oversight Advisory Group.
Advice from Kāpuia
Kāpuia released information about its meetings to enhance transparency about its work programme, usually after matters have been considered by Ministers. Click the link below to view Kāpuia’s advice to the Lead Coordination Minister on the Government’s Response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry and the Government's responses.
Click here to read Advice from Kāpuia
Kāpuia feedback to agencies
Kāpuia provided feedback to agencies following each hui. To enhance transparency, Kāpuia’s feedback was proactively released on this website every few months from July 2023, after working with agencies to consider if any information should be withheld in line with the Official Information Act. The table below documents Kāpuia’s proactive release of feedback to agencies.
Click here to read Kāpuia feedback to agencies
Kāpuia Pānui
The Kāpuia Pānui (newsletter) was a regular digest of information of interest to Kāpuia members. Kāpuia members typically received these Pānui via email in between their scheduled hui meetings. Click on the link below to view the Pānui.
Click here to read Kāpuia Pānui
Members of Kāpuia
The Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Group was Arihia Bennett MNZM (also the CEO of Ngāi Tahu).
The members of the Ministerial Advisory Group were:
Arihia Bennett MNZM (Chair)
Bernard O'Donnell (Deputy Chair)
Abdur Razzaq Khan
Aliya Danzeisen
Arif Ali
Bariz Shah
Claire Appleby-Phillips
Edwina Pio ONZM
Eva Chen
Jennifer Khan-Janif
Joycelyn Raffills
Katherine Dedo
Katrina Azer
Kodrean Eashae
Maysoon Salama MNZM
Melani Anae
Mustafa Derbashi MNZM
Nissa Mowjood
Noeleen Van de Lisdonk
Parminder Kaur
Patrick O'Connor
Radiya Ali
Richard Leung
Roberta Watene
Sally Dellow
Shaystah Dean
Stephen Goodman
Tahirah Moton
These twenty-eight people were from diverse backgrounds across Aotearoa, and include affected whānau, survivors and witnesses, representative communities, civil society, local government and the private sector.