Our Strategic Intentions provide an overview of DPMC, setting out how we will deliver on our purpose and support the Government to deliver its priorities. It summarises the three outcomes we are seeking to achieve through to the end of 2023/24, which are supported by our intermediate outcomes and our enduring roles.
Chief Executive's statement of responsibility#
In signing this information, I acknowledge that I am responsible for the information on strategic intentions for the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
This information has been prepared in accordance with the Public Finance Act 1989 (sections 38 and 40).
Brook Barrington
Chief Executive
Responsible Minister's statement#
I am satisfied that the information on strategic intentions prepared by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet is consistent with the policies and performance expectations of the Government.
Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister, Responsible Minister for the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Our story | Te kōrero#
About us - who we are and why we exist#
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) works to support the government of the day, and does so by leading, advising, stewarding and delivering activities across the public sector, as well as providing specific advice and support to the Governor-General, Prime Minister and portfolio Ministers. As one of the three central agencies (alongside the Treasury and the State Services Commission), we also play a role in leading and coordinating public service agencies.
We are a small agency working from Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington. We also host the National Emergency Management Agency, a departmental agency established in December 2019.
We are the public service department supporting the Governor-General, Prime Minister and Cabinet
Our value derives directly from our role as the public service department supporting the Prime Minister and Cabinet. We are uniquely placed within the public service, in terms of our whole-of government perspective and our inherent closeness to Ministers. To do our job well, we need to be part of the glue that holds things together and the oil that makes things run smoothly.
Ultimately, we exist to advance an ambitious, resilient and well-governed Aotearoa New Zealand
Our functions and services are evolving to meet the changing needs and expectations of us as a department, but our purpose and enduring roles remain consistent.
Our enduring roles - our core roles and responsibilities#
We have three core and enduring roles which help us deliver on our purpose. In undertaking each of our roles, we are committed to and honour our Te Tiriti o Waitangi obligations of partnership, participation and protection.
1 Supporting informed decision making
We provide the Prime Minister, Ministers and Cabinet with intelligence, advice, support and brokerage on the business of the day. We also provide strategic advice, taking a whole-of-government view to help the Government shape its agenda and ensure the public service is aligned with and gets traction on the Government's programme. When required, we also are responsible for shaping and progressing emerging high-priority issues.
2 Supporting well-conducted government
We support the Governor-General, Prime Minister and Ministers to exercise their constitutional roles. We ensure the smooth, lawful and trustworthy running of executive government through the provision of secretariat services, constitutional advice and support, legislative support and administration of the Aotearoa New Zealand Royal Honours system.
3 Leading an effective, strategically focused National Security System
We lead and steward the Aotearoa New Zealand security and intelligence sector in strengthening national resilience, developing situational understanding and improving coordination and collaboration on nationally significant issues. We support the Prime Minister in international engagements and are focused on advancing Aotearoa New Zealand's international interests.
We also, through the National Emergency Management Agency, lead and coordinate across the Emergency Management System to reduce risk, and enable the system and communities to be ready for and able to respond to and recover from emergencies.
Our direction - where we are going#
Our operating environment is constantly changing…
The environment we work in is dynamic and fast moving, which requires us to be ready for and responsive to:
- elections and changing Government priorities
- cross-cutting and complex strategic policy issues and a changing international order
- unpredictable hazards, threats and adverse events, as well as increasingly complex, interdependent security issues
- changes to the way the public service works
- our customers and stakeholders, and their needs.
…and we need to adapt to be more effective, now and in the future
Given the complexities of the environment we operate in and to ensure we are well-positioned to meet the needs of the current and future Prime Ministers, we need to be:
- effective influencers and system stewards
- strategic, interconnected, collaborative and innovative in the way we work
- focused on strengthening our ability to look over the horizon
- resilient and agile as a department.
Over time these changes to how we work will help us advance an ambitious, resilient and well-governed DPMC.
Contributing to the Government's priorities#
We contribute to the delivery of the Government's priorities in several ways, including through:
- our enduring roles and progressing our outcomes
- stewardship of emerging priority programmes of work
- our role as a central agency, which includes providing leadership across agencies and monitoring progress against the Government's priorities.
The Government's current published priorities are:
- An economy that is growing and working for all of us
- Improving the wellbeing of New Zealanders and their families
- Making New Zealand proud.
Our strategic intentions | He takunetanga rautaki#
WHY we exist and what we aim to influence#
Our purpose is to advance an ambitious, resilient and well-governed Aotearoa New Zealand
Our outcomes are | Our intermediate outcomes are |
Outcome 1 The Government is enabled to deliver its priorities |
Outcome 2 Aotearoa New Zealand's systems and institutions of executive government are trusted, effective and enhance our nation's reputation |
Outcome 3 People living in Aotearoa New Zealand are, and feel, resilient, safe and secure |
WHAT we will deliver#
Our enduring roles are
- Supporting informed decision making
- Supporting well-conducted government
- Leading an effective, strategically focused National Security System
HOW we work#
To deliver on this strategic direction we need to be an ambitious, resilient and well-governed DPMC
- Strategic, effective influencers, leaders and system stewards
- First choice employer
- Well-positioned to deliver, now and in the future
Our values underpin everything we do

Mahia i runga i te rangimārie me te ngākau māhaki
With a calm mind and a respectful heart, we will always get the best results
Advancing an ambitious, resilient and well-governed Aotearoa New Zealand#
Outcome 1
The Government is enabled to deliver its priorities
What we want to achieve
Over the next four years, we will focus on achieving the following intermediate outcomes:
- Our Ministers and Cabinet are supported by timely, well-informed information and advice
- Aotearoa New Zealand’s public service is proactive and responsive, helping shape and deliver the Government’s priorities.
What actions we will take
In addition to our enduring role of supporting informed decision making, we will progress our outcomes by:
- lifting policy quality and capability across the public sector, as well as within DPMC
- effectively transitioning work to enable locally led regeneration of greater Christchurch
- supporting the Government to make Aotearoa New Zealand the best place in the world for children and young people
- supporting the Government's response to the Health and Disability System Review.
How we will measure progress
Indicator | Desired trend | Outcome this contributes to |
Quality of policy advice and assessments | ↑ | Informed decision making |
Prime Minister and Ministerial satisfaction with advice and servicing | ↔ or ↑ | Informed decision making |
Uptake of Policy Project tools and frameworks in support of improving policy quality across the public sector | ↑ | Proactive and responsive public sector |
↑ Improve ↔ Maintain ↓ Decrease
Outcome 2
Aotearoa New Zealand's systems and institutions of executive government are trusted, effective and enhance our nation's reputation
What we want to achieve
Over the next four years, we will focus on achieving the following intermediate outcomes:
- The operation of the Cabinet system is effective
- New Zealanders acknowledge the role of the Governor-General in our system of government
- The significant contribution of New Zealanders in service to Aotearoa New Zealand is recognised, acknowledged and celebrated.
What actions we will take
In addition to our enduring role of supporting well-conducted government, we will progress our outcomes by:
- providing procedural and constitutional advice in the pre and post-election periods to the Governor-General, the government and the public service
- modernising processes and systems to support the smooth and cohesive operation of Cabinet and its committees
- enhancing Aotearoa New Zealand's sense of nationhood
- increasing public awareness of the Aotearoa New Zealand Royal Honours system.
How we will measure progress
Indicator | Desired trend | Outcome this contributes to |
Trust and confidence in government | ↑ | Systems and institutions of executive government are trusted |
Ministerial satisfaction with the systems and institutions of executive government | ↔ or ↑ | Systems and institutions of executive government are trusted and effective |
Governor-General satisfaction with support provided | ↔ or ↑ | Effective support for the Governor-General to carry out the role |
↑ Improve ↔ Maintain ↓ Decrease
Outcome 3
People living in Aotearoa New Zealand are, and feel, resilient, safe and secure
What we want to achieve
Over the next four years, we will focus on achieving the following intermediate outcomes:
- The National Security and Emergency Management Systems are cohesive, collaborative and trusted, enabling cross-agency leadership
- Effective reduction, readiness, response and recovery to national security risks, emergencies and adverse events
- Communities are more resilient, allowing them to be better placed to respond to and recover from emergencies and adverse events.
What actions we will take
In addition to our enduring role of leading an effective, strategically-focused National Security System, we will progress our outcomes by:
- improving the strategic leadership of the National Security and Emergency Management Systems
- developing and embedding a more comprehensive approach to managing risk
- enabling New Zealanders to be confident and secure online
- working with local and central government, iwi and other partners to enable, empower and support community resilience
- supporting the Government to enable Aotearoa New Zealand to respond and recover from the impact of COVID-19.
How we will measure progress
Indicator | Desired trend | Outcome this contributes to |
National Security and Emergency Management System stakeholder satisfaction - indicator to be further developed | - | Effective leadership and operation of the National Security and Emergency Management Systems |
Ministerial satisfaction with leadership of the National Security and Emergency Management Systems | ↔ or ↑ | Effective leadership and operation of the National Security and Emergency Management Systems |
Public Sector Reputation Index rating (National Emergency Management Agency) | ↑ | Emergency Management System is trusted |
New Zealanders who have:
↑ | Community preparedness and resilience |
↑ Improve ↔ Maintain ↓ Decrease
Organisational health and capability#
Advancing an ambitious, resilient and well-governed Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet#
Strategic, effective influencers, leaders and system stewards
Why this matters
We lead the policy system, the National Security and Emergency Management Systems, and are stewards of Aotearoa New Zealand's system of executive government. To meet the needs of the current and future Prime Ministers, this requires us to be more strategic, innovative and effective as influencers, leaders and stewards.
What actions we will take
- Foster a culture that values innovation, collaboration and leadership
- Develop the Strategy Unit capability to enable future‑focused advice to support Government decision making
- Empower and build capability across the organisation to influence, innovate and lead.
First choice employer
Why this matters
To be successful, DPMC needs to attract, retain and develop a workforce that can deliver exceptional advice and services. We will be competitive and a good employer, focused on empowering and engaging a diverse workforce.
What actions we will take
- Support performance and growth, enabling our people to achieve their full potential
- Create a Māori capable organisation
- Grow the One DPMC culture
- Foster the DPMC employee value proposition.
Well-positioned to deliver, now and in the future
Why this matters
To deliver our outcomes, DPMC must ensure its infrastructure supports its people and new ways of working. This includes the physical workplace and digital ways of working. It extends to all of the corporate structures, including processes, policies and systems.
What actions we will take
- Maintain a positive, safe, diverse and inclusive working environment
- Develop a sustainable, resilient and agile corporate model, able to flex to the changing needs of DPMC
- Scan opportunities within the future of work, technology and digital ways of working
- Enable agile and well-informed decision making through better information, monitoring, measuring and governance.
How we will measure progress
Indicator | Desired trend | Outcome this contributes to |
Stakeholder satisfaction with system leadership and the way we engage with others | ↑ | Strengthen how we work with others |
Māori capability of our workforce | ↑ | Create a Māori capable organisation |
Diversity of workforce | ↑ | Our workforce reflects the diversity of Aotearoa New Zealand |
Gender pay gap | ↓ | Equitable and fair employment |
Staff satisfaction | ↑ | Engaged and high performing workforce, well positioned to deliver |
Unplanned turnover | ↓ | Engaged and high performing workforce, well positioned to deliver |
↑ Improve ↔ Maintain ↓ Decrease
NEMA: Designing for the future#
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) was established on 1 December 2019, replacing the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management. NEMA was established as part of the Government's response to the Ministerial review Better Responses to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies in New Zealand.
A phased approach has been adopted for the NEMA Transition Programme. While much of the vision setting has already been undertaken by the Technical Advisory Group and through the Government's response to its recommendations, the task for NEMA and the rest of the emergency management sector is to implement the remainder of the Government's decisions.
NEMA has established a Designing for the Future work programme to engage staff and stakeholders on building a contemporary emergency management system. A key part of this is designing a NEMA that is fit-for-purpose to play its role in building a resilient Aoteraroa New Zealand that reduces the risk of, prepares for, responds to, and recovers from the impact of emergencies on individuals, communities and our country.
Designing for the future will enable us to:
- provide greater clarity on NEMA's role in the emergency management system
- understand what NEMA needs to do differently
- understand what capacity and capability NEMA needs to fulfil its role
- consider NEMA's resourcing requirements.