Below is a collection of Cabinet papers and other Cabinet material issued between 2011 and 2016 and published on the (now decommissioned and archived) Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) website.
This content is part of the CERA website archive.
Cabinet material 2011#
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery; Office of the Minister of State Services | ESTABLISHING CERA: Proposed power to enable an effective, timely and coordinated recovery effort. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery; Office of the Minister of State Services | ESTABLISHING CERA: Proposal to establish a new government department - CERA. |
Cabinet Office | ESTABLISHING CERA: Minute of Decision about proposed governance arrangements. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery; Office of the Minister of State Services | ESTABLISHING CERA: Creation of a new single authority. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery; Office of the Minister of State Services | ESTABLISHING CERA: Identifying issues and powers necessary for the Minister and CERA. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | LAND DAMAGE DECISIONS - JUNE 2011: Map and explanations on zoning. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | LAND DAMAGE DECISIONS - JUNE 2011: Proposal of zoning decisions. |
Cabinet Office | LAND DAMAGE DECISIONS - JUNE 2011: Proposed next steps - land damage and remediation issues. |
Cabinet Office | LAND DAMAGE DECISIONS - JUNE 2011: Proposal for crown to purchase insured redzone land. |
Cabinet Office | CROWN OFFERS TO RESIDENTIAL INSURED PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE AFFECTED RED ZONES: Acknowledgement of green zone having no significant issues. |
Cabinet Office | CROWN OFFERS TO RESIDENTIAL INSURED PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE AFFECTED RED ZONES: Allowing residents to agree on settlement date from crown. |
Cabinet Office | CROWN OFFERS TO RESIDENTIAL INSURED PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE AFFECTED RED ZONES: Crown options of entire property purchase or land only. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | LAND DAMAGE DECISIONS - AUGUST 2011: Process for determining reclassification of land. |
Quotable Value Limited | LAND DAMAGE DECISIONS - AUGUST 2011: Analysis of sales information for Kaiapoi, Kairaki & Pines Beach. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | LAND DAMAGE DECISIONS - AUGUST 2011: Recommendations on areas requring redzoning. |
Cabinet Office | LAND DAMAGE DECISIONS - AUGUST 2011: Decisions on land for reclassification. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | LAND ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 2011: Seeking agreement to the rezoning of non residential property in Kaiapoi. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | LAND ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 2011: Recommending enabiling some white zone property owners to begin the rebuliding process prior to re-zoning annoucements. |
Cabinet Office | RESIDENTIAL RED ZONE OFFERS - SEPTEMBER 2011: Procurment process and expenses. |
Cabinet Office | RESIDENTIAL RED ZONE OFFERS - SEPTEMBER 2011: Ensuring that offers are processed efficiently and issues resolved promptly. |
Cabinet Office | RESIDENTIAL RED ZONE OFFERS - SEPTEMBER 2011: Establishing a panel of expert valuers for residential redzone offers. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | TRANSACTION DESIGN ISSUES : Recommeded amendments to policy decisions regarding crown offers to residential property owners. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | LAND ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 2011: Reclassification of orange zoned land to green zone. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | LAND ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 2011: Reclassification of orange zoned land to green zone. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | LAND ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 2011: Reclassification to green zone for Banks Peninsula apart from Church Bay. |
Cabinet Office | LAND ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 2011: Minister of Finance and Minister of Canterbury Earthquake Recovery have joint power. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | LAND ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 2011: Minister of Finance and Minister of Canterbury Earthquake Recovery have joing power to act. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | LAND ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 2011: Areas recommended for reclassification as green zone. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | LAND ANNOUNCEMENTS - OCTOBER 2011: Report providing background information on geotechnical hazards in the Port Hills White Zone being led by CCC. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | LAND ZONING DECISIONS - NOVEMBER 2011: Re-zoning and technical categories of orange zone land. |
Cabinet Office | LAND ZONING DECISIONS - NOVEMBER 2011: Seeking agreement to reclassify zone from white to green non-residential properties. |
Cabinet Office | LAND ZONING DECISIONS - NOVEMBER 2011: Re-zoning and technical categories of orange zone land. |
Cabinet Office | REZONING OF WHITE (UNZONED) NON-RESIDENTIAL LAND: Seeking agreement to zone green approximatley 8300 non residential properties that are currently in the white zone. |
Cabinet Office | LAND ZONING DECISIONS - NOVEMBER 2011: Re-zoning and technical categories of orange zone land. |
Cabinet Office | LAND ZONING DECISIONS - DECEMBER 2011: Decision on rezoning some of the remaining Port Hills white zone to green zone. |
Cabinet Office | LAND ZONING DECISIONS - DECEMBER 2011: Extending the Crown's red zone offer to the owners of retirement villages and resthomes in the Christchurch red zone. |
Cabinet Office | REZONING OF WHITE (UNZONED) NON-RESIDENTIAL LAND: Seeking decisions to rezoning some of the remaining white zones to green. |
Cabinet material 2012#
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Terms of reference outlining the role, membership, purpose, scope of advise, prinicples and code of conduct. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | REZONING OF WHITE (UNZONED) NON-RESIDENTIAL LAND: Update on progress for rezoning decisions. Further advice in making decisions on cliff collapse areas. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | KAIAPOI RED ZONE WORKSHOP: Questions answered by CERA. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | KAIAPOI RED ZONE WORKSHOP: Questions answered by IAG. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | KAIAPOI RED ZONE WORKSHOP: The Government's role, land decisions, geotechnical issues, future use of land, tenancy, lawyers. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | KAIAPOI RED ZONE WORKSHOP: Questions answered by EQC. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | KAIAPOI RED ZONE WORKSHOP: The Crown offer process. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | KAIAPOI RED ZONE WORKSHOP: Waimakariri District Council's role. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | TRANSACTION DESIGN ISSUES : Clarity requried around deposit payments, default interest and settlemet dates. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | TRANSACTION DESIGN ISSUES : Determining responsiblity on covering EQC and private insurance excesses. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS MEETING: Defining respective roles and devise a process to ensure the timely resolution of issues affecting residents in the Port Hills. |
Cabinet Office | CHRISTCHURCH CBD RECOVERY: Proposal of mandate for CERA to lead and promote recovery of CBD. |
Ernst and Young | CHRISTCHURCH COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MARKET: Part 1 of CERA's Central City Commercial Property Market Study. |
Ernst and Young | CHRISTCHURCH COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MARKET: Part 2 of CERA's Central City Commercial Property Market Study. |
Ernst and Young | CHRISTCHURCH COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MARKET: Part 3 of CERA's Central City Commercial Property Market Study. |
Cabinet Office | ZONING REVIEW FRAMEWORK: Review process of Red/Green zoning decisions. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | APPROACHES TO MANAGING THE PORT HILLS: Presenting options for the decision making process to determine the future for propeties in the Port Hills white zone. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING: Cliff collapse/debris inundation and landslips - Context. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING: Cliff collapse/debris inundation and landslips. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING: Rock roll - 816 properties. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING: Rock roll scenarios. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING: Presentation on Port Hills - Rock roll, cliff collapse and landslips. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | ZONING REVIEW FRAMEWORK: Zoning Review Advisory Group meeting minutes. |
Cabinet Office; Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | CHRISTCHURCH CENTRAL RECOVERY PLAN AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION: Final decisions about the Recovery Plan and its implementation. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING: Mitigation for the Rock roll white zone. |
Cabinet Office | ZONING REVIEW FRAMEWORK: Findings from the Zoning Review Advisory Group. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE CROWN OFFER TO ELIGIBLE PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE PORT HILLS RED ZONE: Proposing the elements of the Crown offer for red zoned property owners in the Port Hillls. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | LAND DECISIONS - AUGUST 2012: Red zone purchase offers for leasehold, vacant, uninsured and commerial/industrial property. |
Cabinet Office | LAND DECISIONS - AUGUST 2012: Red zone purchase offers for leasehold, vacant, uninsured and commerial/industrial property. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Proposing a framework for a review process for Port Hills zoning decisions and establishment of a zoning review advisory group. |
Cabinet Office | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Port Hills zoning review framework - September paper. |
Cabinet Office | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Port Hills zoning review framework - October paper. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING: Rock roll - no land damage. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING: This file contains all of the above Port Hills land zoning discussions papers. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | FINAL SETTLEMENT DATE: Considering extensions to the 30 April 2013 final settlement date for flat land and Residential Red Zone property owners. |
Cabinet material 2013#
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Copy of the Port Hills zoning review advisory group minutes and addendum. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Minister letter to Dr Keith Turner - Chair of Port Hills zoning review advisory group. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Reply to Minister from Dr Keith Turner - Chair of Port Hills zoning review advisory group. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Letter from Dr Keith Turner to Minister providing further information as a result of May 2013 meeting. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Additonal information provided by the Port Hills zoning advisory review group. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Providing informatioin as an answer to queries in May 2013 meeting. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - THE RESULT: Recommendations of the Port Hills review advisory group. |
Cabinet Office | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - THE RESULT: Findings of the Port Hills zoning review advisory group on the Port Hills zoning decisions. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Updated modelling from GNS science. |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - THE RESULT: Summary and maps of zoning review (1 to 22). |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | PORT HILLS ZONING REVIEW - THE RESULT: Summary and maps of zoning review (23 to 44). |
Cabinet Office | LAND USE RECOVERY PLAN CABINET DECISIONS: Land Use Recovery Plan Cabinet decisions. |
Cabinet material 2014#
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery; Office of the Minister of State Services | GREATER CHRISTCHURCH EARTHQUAKE RECOVERY: : Greater Christchurch earthquake recovery is now at a point where the government needs to transition its role. |
Office of the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery | FUTURE USE OF THE RESIDENTIAL RED ZONE: Proposed decisions on the future use of the red zone land in greater Christchurch. |
Cabinet material 2015#
Doc. Date Sort descending | Creator | Title |
Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) | DIRECTION TO DEVELOP A RESIDENTIAL RED ZONE OFFER RECOVERY PLAN: recommends Minister to exercise CER Act power to direct the CE of CERA to develop a Residential Red Zone Offer Recovery Plan. |